
Passion Meter Results

What’s your Passion Rating?
For every ‘Always’ checked, score 5 points; ‘Most Times’ – 4 points; ‘Sometimes’ – 2 points and ‘Never’ – 0 points.

What’s your total ____________

People who scored in the:

46 – 50 range: Beware of being a workaholic. You could be overdoing ‘it’. This is not healthy. There are other areas in your life that also needs Passion.

40 – 45 range: Your Passion for your job is high. Your performance should be above average. Focus on maintaining this level.

30 – 39 range: Average Passion. There is room for improvement. Work on changing ‘Sometimes’ to ‘Most Times’ and ‘Never’ to ‘Sometimes.’

0 - 29 range: Below average Passion. You must be very unhappy in your work. Focus on your ‘N’ scores and try to change them to ‘Sometimes’. Then work on changing your ‘Sometimes’ to ‘Most Times.’


For future, consider:

1) Consider using your current scale and scoring 0, 1, 2, 3 for Never, sometimes, Most time, Always

2) Consider a five point scale as well:
Almost Often Sometimes Seldom Almost Always Never
5 4 3 2 1